
Thursday, November 24, 2011


For all of you foreigners, Thanksgiving is a day where you basically get fat. You have pie, turkey, and mashed potatoes. I made green beans this year. We always have green beans but this year I made them all by myself!


I also made a Thanksgiving special segment show thingy for you guys....

So it was really good. So in the morning we looked at deals for tomorrow which is.......(drum roll).......


So still for all you foreigners, Black Friday is  a day where people go shopping A LOT. It is when everything is cheaper than it usually is. That's all I'm gonna tell you. If you want to learn more, LOOK IT UP! Here's a funny ad for Black Friday:

Have a Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday!

Friday, November 11, 2011

OMG! 11/11/11

YAY! today is a monumental day! 11/11/11. Wow. Did you make a wish at 11:11 am? I did. If you didn't, it's okay. Make it at 11:11 pm. Funny thing, my cousin was born today. I saw his baby picture on my mom's facebook. HE IS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!

So just remember to:

Make a wish!